Friday, December 7, 2012

The German Shepherd

German Shepherd

 Background: The German Shepherd is a well known dog for both being on television as Rin Tin Tin, and being one of the most commonly used breed of dog for the police force, they can account for over 8000 deputy dogs.They were said to have wolf traits which is why they are so strong. They were developed in Germany serving as military dogs and later on were used in Hitler's army during WWI and WWII, after the wars they were brought over to the US. They have a massive bite that can exert up to 238 lbs of pressure, they are ranked 2nd in strongest bite after the Rottweiler. Their strong bite and strong obedience is why they are used as police dogs because "they allow the opportunity to use force without a gun" (Animal Planet).

Weight: 77-85 lbs 
Height: 22-26 inches
Lifespan: about 13 years 
Temperament: They are very loyal to their owners and want to please, they're easy to train. They care for their family and protect what they consider their pack, Although they are good with children they are ranked #1 in biting so training should be done early.
Coat and Color: German Shepherds can come in tan and black, completely black or the more recently discovered completely white. 
Health issues: After long years in service and being active they wear down and suffer from hip dysplesia.
Living conditions: Should be properly exercised and given room to run but a good house pet.  

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Border Collie

Border Collies

Background: Border Collies originated in the United Kingdom and got their name because they were bred on the border of Scotland and England as herding dogs and since then have earned the title as smartest breed because of how well they herd livestock. Today they are still used for what they were bred for. They have even helped in an art project, When herding they use their eyes to scare the animals they are herding, they move quickly when crouching which makes them so successful in herding because other breeds can not do this technique as well. They can make great family pets if kept occupied and working. 
Weight: 27-45 lbs (depending on sex)
Height: 18-22 inches (depending on sex)
Lifespan: 12-15 years 
Temperament: Border Collies are highly trainable and are perfect for herding and have a lot of energy to run and herd, although they need a job to do and if they are not given a job then they will become destructive and destroy your house, and possible herd children by nipping at their feet like they would sheep. They need experienced owners. 

Coat and Color: Border Collies can come in multiple colors and patterns as seen on the left. They are easy to groom though there is a lot fo shedding due to the double coat.  
Health issues: hip Dysplasia and eye issues but  generally healthy
Living conditions: Border Collies need plenty of exercise, apartment living is not recommended. They can live in any climate.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Irish Wolfhound

Irish Wolfhound

Background: The Irish Wolfhound originated in more the more Northern are of the United Kingdom is a very ancient breed that according to Celtic writing dates back to 273 BC and Julies Cesar mentions them in his commentaries on the Gaelic wars. They were seen as a gift to royalty in Ireland and Scotland. Because of their massive size they were used as hunting dogs for big game such as elk, wild boar, and wolves. They were so successful at hunting that those animals became endangered and left the breed useless which is why they almost went extinct in the 19th century. Now they are more common and have reached America as family dogs. They are known as the tallest dog in the world, standing at 7 ft tall on their hind legs, they can eat up to 25 lbs of food a week and can gain a pound a day and reach 90 lbs by 6 months old. They may not be as well known as the Labrador Retriever but they are known due to their size and were even shown in Disney Pixar's 2012 motion picture "Brave", taking place in the hills of Scotland.  
Weight: 28-35 inches
Height: 90-150 lbs
Lifespan: 6-8 years
Coat and Color: Rough and Wiry coat that comes between a range of a lighter pale/blonde grey to a grey like the picture on the left. They should receive a brushing at least once a week

Temperament: Irish Wolfhounds are very loyal to their owners and docile to both the young and old, they make great family pets and can be trusted with them,eager to please, sweet tempered, patient, kind, not much of a guard dog because they tend to greet visitors. 
Health issues: Due to their massive size they suffer from bloat, bone cancer, heart issues. If the dog is chewing at their back paws they should be checked with a vet because that is a sign of heart problems. 

Living conditions:They do not do well in small homes such as apartments although they make good indoor pets because they're not very active but should be given large fenced in yard to roam. These dogs are adaptable to almost any climate.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever

Background: The Golden Retriever is one of the most known dogs in the world and was developed in Loch Ness, Scotland in the 1860's by a man named Lord Tweed Mouth, who bred a dog with a love of water and a desire to retrieve (Animal Planet). Given the name the "Golden" they were recognized by the AKC in 1925. These dogs were bred to hunt and retrieve various preys such as birds like the water foul and ducks. With their webbed feet they are able to retrieve animals even in the water, retrieving these animals required them to have what people call a "soft mouth"; A soft mouth is basically when they can carry a raw egg in their mouth and not break it. 
Weight: 55-80 lbs (depending on the sex)
Height: 20-24 inches (depending on the sex)
Lifespan: 10-12 years 
Temperament: Golden's have an excellent behavior, they are eager to please which is why they are easy to train and were the first  AKC (American Kennel Club) obedience trial champ in training. They are excellent family dogs and are ranked high and one of the most beloved dog breeds to bring into homes. They are ranked low with barking. They do however there are some bad reviews and now agression is a feature in some lines but not the entire breed, they were ranked 3rd in the national bite parade with 1st the german shepherd and 2nd the Chow Chow. They are excellent family dogs and are good for first time owners but not very good guard dogs. 
Coat and Color: A golden's color can vary from a very pale gold to a very dark copper like gold. They shed seasonally and heavily, their coat isdense water repellent coat. 

Health issues: Like any other large breed they're prone to hip dysplasia, Cancer lyphnodes are common due to over breeding it would be best to buy from a breeder with a good line.Make sure they are given plenty of exercise because they can gain weight easily. 
Living conditions: Golden's is versatile and can adapt to almost anywhere.
Own Experience: Owning a Golden Retriever was an amazing experience, her name was Casey and I grew up with her from the age of 6-18, for 12 years of my life until she was put down due to health issues on January 2nd, 2012. She wasn't the best example of a Golden Retriever,not very active and hated the water she also didn't hunt much until she was in her older years but she was a great part of my life because she was an amazing companion to have by my side while growing up. She was calm and was protective of my brother and I so much so she would have a nightly routine of checking on us, and she always wanted to be with us. She was kind to everyone that walked in and was even brought to nursing homes a few times to visit both my great grandfather and other senior citizens, even though she was trained to she was calm and would allow anyone to pet her. Casey was that loving pet that everyone gave compliments to on how well she behaved and how kind she was. Golden Retrievers are a truly amazing breed that make amazing companions. 
 February 4th 2000- January 2nd 2012 

Dogs 101. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2012 , from Animal Planet :

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier

Background: The Boston Terrier is said to be "as American as apple pie" (Animal Planet). Due to their, color pattern they gained the nickname the  American gentleman because their coat resembles a tuxedo. As it says in their name they were bred and developed in Boston Massachusetts around the 1800's, the breed was a cross bred between  a bulldog and a now extinct white English terrier. in 1865 these dogs were once used originally for pit fighting a common sport that is still done today but in most places the practice of dog fighting is illegal. Now retired this breed has become a wildly popular breed to own.
Weight: 10-25 lbs
Height:15-17 inches
Lifespan:15+ years
Temperament:Boston terriers are very people loving, lively with boundless energy, sweet natured, good guard dogs. They love to please their owners. They do not bark unless it is necessary.
Coat and Color: Their short coat requires little grooming.With a base coat of white they come in brindle black, seal (seal is when it looks black but when in the light has a red cast)

Health issues: Due to their short wide muzzles they suffer from respiratory issues, and this is why they shouldn't be too active because they will push themselves over the limit and overheat. Also due to their short muzzles they are known to be gassy, snort and snore. They can also suffer from eye issues. 
Living conditions: They can live in almost any environment and are good for children and as family companions. 
Final Note: 
These dogs are good dogs that provide endless hours of fun and entertainment and from my own experience with these dogs they are truly very loving toward people and I would highly recommend to anyone to own a Boston Terrier. 

Boston terrier. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2012 , from Dog Breed info :
Dogs 101. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2012 , from Animal Planet :

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiff
Backround: Tibetan Mastiffs are one of the more ancient breeds and are the reason we have a majority of the large dog breeds.  These dogs are from Tibet and were and still are used in a lot of places as guard dogs by nomads in the Himalayas. These dogs were sometimes trusted to protect entire villages. They were brought over all of China and then west into  Europe by Atil of the Hun. Today they still remain in China and are even seen as a status symbol of wealth, if you lived in China and owned a Tibetan Mastiff you were seen as wealthy. In China there was even one that almost sold for $600,000 because of its rare copper color

Characteristics:  Tibetan Mastiffs are very protective dogs making them territorial and weary with strangers but are very loving with their family. They are stubborn and independent, therefore they shouldn't be for novice dog owners. They have a heavy build which gives them their strength and their deep intimidating bark which is why they are excellent guard dogs.
Weight:  140-170 lbs
Height:  25-28 inches
Lifespan: About 15 years plus
Temperament: Courageous, fearless, even tempered, Calm and thoughtful
Coat & Color: They have a double coat that shed heavily.
Health Issues: Little health issues but have big dog health issues such as hip dysplasia, thyroid, skin and eye issues.
Living Conditions: Can live in an apartment but must be exercised a lot, Would do best in large areas. They should also live in a cool dry environment.

* You shouldn't own one if you are a novice dog owner.
* Early socialization is important so that they are not aggressive towards people and other animals.
* Training should start early.
* Boundaries should be made early.
* Dominance should be set early because they have a mind of their own.  

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhound

Back ground: Despite their name these dogs surprisingly are not from Italy but in fact they are from Greece and Turkey. The Italian Greyhound was well known during the renaissance age and can be seen in multiple renaissance paintings which is why they are called, "The Italian Greyhound". They were also been considered to be a high class dog in the past and mainly seen with royalty such as Charles the 1st, Catherine the great, queen Ann, queen Victoria, and Fredrick the 2nd. This was because they were good companion dogs.

Characteristics: Italian Greyhounds are sometimes called Velcro dogs because they love to be by your side and snuggle for warmth with their owners. They are built for speed like their cousins the original greyhound that are used for dog races. With their speed is their acute sight and hearing. All this leads to their speeds reaching as fast as 25 miles per hour.
Weight: 6-10 lbs
Life span: about 15 years
Temperament: Italian Greyhounds are very shy and need to be socialized early during puppy stages. They have also been known to be cat like, they have a good temperament overall.
Coat & Color: They can come in multiple colors ranging from black, grey, tan etc.  Their coat doesn't shed a lot and there is little odor.
Health Issues: A fairly healthy breed.
Living Conditions:  They are adaptable to pretty much any living conditions whether it's an apartment or a house. They are not tolerant at all so during the cold seasons they need to be kept warm with blankets or coats and should be kept indoors to avoid the cold.

* It is best to keep them out of the cold so litter box training is possible.
* For the 1st 12-18 months they should be watched carefully because their bones are very fragile and can break easily.
* They are fast dogs and do not do well with responding to being called back after they are after something so they should always be kept on a leash when outside in an unfenced yard.
* They are not good with lively children because they are so shy so a family of either adults is best for them.
Final Note: These are excellent companion  dogs that are good for novice or new dog owners.

Sources: Animal Planet's Dogs 101 television series

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The American Pitbull

The American Pitbull
Background: The pitbull is a very well known dog in America and can be seen in "The little rascals", The RCA dog, and the Buster Brown shoe dog. Although the dog is more well known for its's negative history. They were developed in the United Kingdom when crossing bull dogs and terrier's to make the pitbull. For years they were put in fighting rings and were forced to fight other dogs. This history has followed them and they are now labeled as aggressive,and dangerous dogs that shouldn't be allowed in public and with people.
 -Pitbulls are even banned in certain cities and even countries, such as Denver, parts of Florida, Great Britain and New Zealand. Also over 500 cities have strict restrictions on the breed.
Height: 14-24 inches
Weight: 22-78 lbs
Life span: about 12-14 years
Temperament:Loyal, good natured, loving dog that if trained properly can be a truly amazing dog.
Coat&Color: pitbull's can come in almost every color, tan, black, white, mixed, brindle etc.

Health issues: Generally a healthy breed, although some are prone to hip dysplasia, cataracts, and congenital heart disease.
Living conditions: Pitbulls do best with a lot of space to run but can live in apartments with plenty of exercise.
*Pitbulls have a lot of energy and should be taken on long daily walks and are given plenty of exercise.
*As a puppy you should socialize them as much as possible so they become used to people and other animals.
*During training you should be firm but calm and confident.
* When any dog is brought into a home it is the dogs natural instinct to make us their pack, there fore you must remain the pack leader.
*Teach them bite control so they know not to bite people.
*Pitbulls are not recommended for first time owners.
Final note:
Pitbull's have a very bad history but what people don't understand is that these are loving dogs that are eager to please and when trained and treated wrong they will become the vicious monsters that everyone believes the entire breed is to be. Any dog can become vicious it doesn't matter if its a poodle, a golden retriever, or a pitbull, it is all about how they are raised. Pittbulls are powerful dogs that can recover from horrible conditions and learn to trust humans again which is surprising because a lot of dogs cannot recover from what pitbulls go through. I've known about this breed since I was younger watching them on Animal Planet when they would be rescued from homes that would put them in illegal dog fights and never once did I think that they were bad dogs.



Thursday, September 6, 2012


The Tornjak
Pronounced (Torn-yak)
Background history:  The tornjak is a very old breed that originated and lives in Bosnia, Herzegovinian and Croatia for the past 1,000 years. In these countries they are used for herding and guardian dogs for large farms, like what many believe to be one of  their ancestors the Tibetan Mastiff. In these countries the breed is very popular and is even on Bosnia's stamp. Although in the U.S they are not even recognized by the AKC (American Kennel Club) and are very hard to come by.As far as I know of there are only 3 breeders in North America, 2 in Canada and 1 that is just started to breed Tornjak's in the U.S.
Height: Male's:65-70cm, females:60-65 cm
Weight: ~140 lbs
Lifespan: ~14 years
Temperament: friendly, calm, courageous, obedient, intelligent, full of dignity and self confidence, when the situation demands it, it is a vigilant, a very alert watchdog
Coat: Their coat is doubled for the cold weather and their base color is white and can include tan, brown, black, and copper markings all over the body in many different ways.
Puppy stage:
*The Tornjak is a strong breed that will become dominant if you allow them to. During early training you should set your dominance to ensure they do not over power you.
* If you intend the dog to be sociable you must expose them to multiple people very Early when they're puppies.
*Do not put them on puppy food for long, because they're big dogs if they grow too quickly it will affect their bones and make them weak.
*They grow fast so take in all the small cuteness you can, they will start growing very large in about 4 months. 
Care tips:
* Tornjak's are survivors so keep them on a low protein diet will keep their coat neat.
*Provide strong toys because their teeth are very strong.

* Tornjak's need plenty of running space.
* Give them plenty of exercise.
*Grooming is essential for their thick coat.
* Be aware of bloat make sure after they eat to keep them from doing extraneous activities for at least a half hour.
* Tornjak's are fast so keep them on a leash until they learn to respond on your command.
From my own experience having a tornjak (The dog at the top is mine):
My dog's name is Tocan (Toch-an) which means faithful in Croatian. He is 8 months old at the moment, 85 lbs, and on his hind legs he stands 5"2. We adopted him when he was 3 months old in March and he was flown over from Alberta Canada. I honestly love this dog and the more he grows the more I am amazed with the breed. He is a VERY intelligent, if he wants something he will find a way to get it. He learns quickly and when you tell him a command you can actually see him thinking about it before he does it. This is a sort of bad trait but still very impressive, when the family is busy doing things and Tocan wants to be played with he will grab a shoe and show it to you because he knows that he isnt allowed to have it from past training. Tocan is also a very loving dog who loves to think he is a small dog and sits on my lap when I am on the couch. I honestly love everything about him and he is always making me laugh just by his own clumsiness, I would highly recommend a tornjak as a family pet.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sgilman's Review on The Hunger Games

So this week I watched The Hunger Games, after the well known book "The Hunger Games".

My story of why I watched the movie:
 When I first saw the trailer for this movie I knew it was time to read the book because everyone I had talked to told me I need to read it before I watched the movie so I sat down and read the book for a solid two days straight and loved everything about it so much that I couldn't put it down which is surprising for me because I am not the type of person that will sit down and read books, but this time I did and I am so happy that I did. 

My review on the movie:
After watching the movie I was confused on why so many people hated the movie because I honestly thought the movie was good, there were some parts that I would have changed but all in all I liked the movie.
*The casting for the movie was VERY well done and I wouldn't have changed the cast. Although Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutchinson had to use some hair dye they fit the characters of Katniss and Peeta perfectly. Jennifer being young but responsible, caring, smart, and strong like Katniss was portrayed in the book. Then there was Josh who was able to portray the also young, caring,strong, and loving Peeta. And then the rest of the characters I could go on about how well they were cast but that would take a while. 
* The make up work nailed the character descriptions, done by the three time academy award winning make up artist Ve Neill. Ve was able to make the people of the capital look different and odd looking to us but didn't make them look tacky, and she also made Peeta disappear easily. 
* The action scenes were well choreographed
*Stayed close enough to the book.
* They didn't really show the relationship between Katniss and Gale enough to have the audience that didn't read the book notice the love triangle between Gale Katniss and Peeta.
*They changed how Katniss received the Mocking jay pin. 
*Didn't mention much about the 13th district. 
* The training sessions were a little off from the book's description of how they went.
* There was nothing explaining of how Katniss and Rue began an alliance. 
* Finally there was just small mistakes that didn't follow the book. 

All in all I enjoyed the movie and I am excited for the next movie "Cathching Fire" to premiere